From her hometown of Beijing, China, to the “live from New York” set of Saturday Night Live, Teng Chen continues to blaze a trail and rock it as a female sound engineer.

Since earning a master’s degree at the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, Teng has collaborated with Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and The Philadelphia Orchestra, and worked on major events including the Super Bowl, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction, and the MTV Video Music Awards. And she’s also the audio supervisor and female sound engineer for the SHE ROCKED IT podcast! You will no doubt be inspired by how Teng has followed her creative calling with passion and persistence.

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In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • [2:15] How Teng held her own as one of very few women in her university music program and early engineering jobs
  • [05:24] Why she wanted to come to the U.S. to pursue a career in the entertainment industry
  • [13:51] A behind-the-scenes glimpse into Teng’s current job on Saturday Night Live (SNL)
  • [19:06] Why Teng is excited to elevate and amplify women’s voices as SHE ROCKED IT’s resident female sound engineer.
  • [20:42] The importance of being a mentor to young women
  • [25:47] Reflections on anti-Asian violence in NYC
  • [29:32] Teng’s one tip to ROCK IT

Links from the episode:

She Rocked It is a media and mentorship platform where creative, courageous women rock it together. We are eager to learn from, listen to, and lift one another up — driven by the belief that women’s voices are essential. On our podcast and Instagram Live interview series, She Rocked It host/founder and creative entrepreneur Karen Gross gets trailblazing women leaders, creatives, and entrepreneurs to reveal how they rock it – and their insights may surprise you. Their behind-the-scenes stories, best-kept secrets to success, and actionable tips are sure to inspire the rockstar in all of us! 

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Teng Chen Interview Transcript:


Hello and welcome to SHE ROCKED IT, where we’re dedicated to raising the volume on women’s voices. Today you’re going to get to hear from a member of the SHE ROCKED IT family, our audio engineer, Teng Chen. Who is such a rock star female sound engineer. She actually came to the U.S. from China to attend college at Johns Hopkins University. And after earning her master’s degree, then went on to become an audio engineer for distinguished symphony orchestras. Now she works for SNL— that’s right, Saturday Night Live. So you’re going to get to hear some amazing behind-the-scenes stories about working there. Teng has really had to hold her own in the male-dominated world of audio engineering. So I know you’re going to be inspired by how she courageously raises her voice and how she rocks it.



TENG CHEN: It’s so good to be in front of the camera for once!

SHE ROCKED IT: And you look smashing in front of the camera, I see more of this in your future!

TENG CHEN: Thank you, I’ll practice!

SHE ROCKED IT: No need! And, you know, we’ve had conversations together offline. I’m a musician and I’ve said to you how it’s been kind of unusual in my experience to work with a female music engineer, audio engineer, and expert. And you have mentioned how in your career it’s been rather rare to be a woman in this industry. So I can’t wait to talk to you a little more about that today and how you’ve raised your voice.

TENG CHEN: Yeah, Yeah, absolutely. When I started my studies 10 years ago, I was one of the three women in a 30 or 40 people program. And that includes one under undergrad program and two master’s degree program—I was one of the three women. Then I started working in the summers, you know, in classical music festivals, doing engineering work. And for the first two or three years, I was the only woman in the team, of course, again. That includes the audio team, the stagehand. The only place you will see a woman is librarian or ticket booth. 


TENG CHENG:  Yeah, I know. And you know, just like starting my career in an environment like that, it’s really hard because you’re basically alone. Like you don’t have anybody to learn from, uh, you don’t have a female role model. Especially in an environment like that, there’s, it’s very easy to form this “bro” vibe, right? You’re around a bunch of guys and you’re thinking, “oh, should I act like a girl? Or should I act like a man?” And there’s—

SHE ROCKED IT: So interesting, right.

TENG CHEN: Yeah. There’s a lot of, you know, identity issues that came up. But yeah, I am fortunate enough that in recent years, a lot more female audio engineers came into the workforce. And I was fortunate enough to work with some of them. And we learned from each other. We started talking about, you know, what we went through, the difficulties that we have to face and-

SHE ROCKED IT: Sharing your stories.

TENG CHEN:  Exactly, and that’s what inspired me to speak up. Cause we, we need the woman’s voice in, in the male-dominated industry. The women are doing incredible work. There’s—obviously, in audio, there’s nothing that a man can do that a woman can’t do. It shouldn’t be a male-dominated industry at all. 

SHE ROCKED IT: So, back, back us up a little bit in your own personal life. So, how did you come to be a female audio engineer? Uh, you wound up at Johns Hopkins— give us a little bit of that trajectory.

TENG CHENG: So, uh, I started as a classical pianist. I started playing the piano when I was three years old. When I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was to be a concert pianist. But, in my free time I’m not just interested in classical music. I’m interested in music in general and you know, I love to sing. My dad is a a really good singer. Back then his family didn’t have the resources to support him, to make him a professional singer. But I love to sing. So sometimes I would open my Windows computer, open up the little recording program, play a little piano and then go back and then sing on top of it. And that’s how I got started.

SHE ROCKED IT: Self-recording?

TENG CHEN: Yes. When I was applying for school, first of all, I wanted to come to America because this is where, you know, the entertainment industry is.

SHE ROCKED IT: Oh, so all that up to this point was in China?

TENG CHEN: Yeah. I grew up in, I was born and raised in China.

SHE ROCKED IT: Ok, where in China?

TENG CHEN: In Beijing. And I came to America for college. 

SHE ROCKED IT: And so how old were you? You were like, 18 or so?

TENG CHEN: Yeah, 18. (05:49) that was 10 years ago almost.

SHE ROCKED IT: Okay. Amazing! So you had this dream of coming to the U.S. to really pursue your passion.

TENG CHEN: Exactly. Another reason is that it’s hard to become a musician in China when you didn’t start very early on. I mean, I, I didn’t go to like a youth conservatory. So when I decided to become a musician at 18, it was too late for me. 

SHE ROCKED IT: But your parents, (06:19) I might add, it sounds like were supportive of this. 

TENG CHEN: They are very supportive. Yes. (06:25) I have a very, I am so fortunate to have this great family. They support everything I do, they support my dreams. They sent me here. I know, I mean, now, they regret it because I don’t go back.

SHE ROCKED IT: You’re a New York City girl now! 

TENG CHEN: Right! Now, my mom is like, “darn it, shouldn’t have done that”. Uh, but yeah. 

SHE ROCKED IT:  But you’re living the dream! And living your dream.

TENG CHEN: Yeah, they’re, they’re happy for me. They’re very happy for me. So when I was applying for school, I saw this program at, Hopkins, the music school of Hopkins, Peabody. They have this, well, first of all, it’s one of the top conservatories for pianists. Then they have the side program where you can do a recording degree and a performance degree in five years. 


TENG CHEN, female sound engineer:  And if you want to, you can tag along another master’s degree also in these five years. So when I got a scholarship from Peabody, it was a no-brainer. I got five years, three degrees. I get to do exactly what I want to do”. So I just jumped on it and that’s how it, how it got started.

SHE ROCKED IT: That sounds like a wonderful opportunity. To really pursue your studies in the U.S. at a great school. I would think that because you’re also a performer, a player, you have a unique insight into the recording experience. That maybe some folks who are just focused on engineering may not have. Is that true? 

TENG CHEN: Exactly. And that’s very valuable these days, all musicians want to work with someone who understands music. Just having the education, of all the musical theory and understanding what’s going on in their head while they’re doing this is just so valuable to them.

SHE ROCKED IT: That’s amazing. And you’ve worked with orchestras. Tell us a little bit about, the amazing organizations that you’ve worked with since graduating.

TENG CHEN: While I was still at school, I started working for Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. As one of the archival recording engineers. There’s a main engineer and when he can’t do the recordings, he’ll send me to do the archival recording stuff.

And before that, I spent a summer at BAMF. They have this program for creators. I was doing an audio, residency for three months or three or four months. The summer before that I was working with the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood, in their summer orchestral program. Before that, it was the Brevard, and, you know, just other classical programs. I was a classical musician. So I started in the classical field and kind of slowly branched out.

SHE ROCKED IT: It takes courage to do that. To follow your heart, and to go to these places. And it’s hustle too, right? You’re hustling as an independent, right, entrepreneur, essentially. So, how did you get the courage to follow your dream? And how do you continue to courageously pursue these opportunities? Land these really wonderful opportunities? Tell us about that courage.

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (09:56) So I think my family has a big impact on me. Growing up in China, you know, it’s not a country that’s friendly for women. Our value is hugely discounted, and it’s not just people’s opinion. People think that it’s a fact that boys are smarter than girls. And that men should take on more responsibility in the society than women. That women should not pursue what they want to do. Because, when you have a master’s degree you can’t find a husband. Men will get scared of you. But my family is the opposite.

They’re just like, “Teng, you can do whatever you want to do. You can be whoever you can be”. And they basically they raised me like a man. Growing up, I lost opportunities to men so many times just because I’m a girl. But my mom has always taught me to, you know, “don’t be sour”. Because you know, as sad as it is, this is how the society works. Uh, it is what it is. And the only way that I can be where I want to be is to be better than those men. To work harder than those men. Growing up, they just, they made me really tough. Since I was a kid, I just, I had my eye on a goal and I go for it.

SHE ROCKED IT: (11:28) In terms of, unfortunately losing some opportunities to men and, being in rooms where you’re the only woman…

How have you gotten the courage to hold your own? let’s say, in such a male-dominated industry? Would you say, what gives you that sort of inner steel to just keep going? Cause I know I’ve been in environments like that and it’s actually kind of tough to keep your strong backbone sometimes.

TENG CHEN ,female sound engineer: (11:55) It is. Yeah. It is. I don’t know. I guess I was wired to believe that I am no lesser than who they are. And there are situations where I have to compromise. If compromising will take me to where I want to be, I’ll do it. You got to focus on the long-term goal. Don’t get stuck to what he said about you this one time. Just filter that out and then focus on where you want to be and don’t get discouraged.

SHE ROCKED IT: I got you. And what about, uh, women you’ve met along your journey? Have there been any mentors who have, um, inspired you, who’ve kind of nudged you along? Who’ve given you that encouragement when maybe times were a little tough? Yeah.

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (12:49) Yeah. One, I, my first boss or my first supervisor. We met, at BAMF, her name is Theresa Leonard. She’s just an incredible female audio engineer, producer. And what I learned from her is that you don’t have to be tough to be in the male industry. You could be a woman and still succeed. As long as you plant yourself like a tree. You know who you are and you know, no one can take you down. So you don’t have to act like you’re all tough; you don’t have to wear all black, you know, dress like a man —you just have to know who you are. You just have to be tough mentally. At SNL I work with this amazing music A2. Her name is Caroline, and she’s only two years older than me. 

SHE ROCKED IT:  I’m sorry, you said at SNL?

TENG CHEN: (13:46) Yes, right. My current workplace.

SHE ROCKED IT: That would be Saturday Night Live, friends!

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (13:54) I am now the prerecord uh, music editor, and mixer. This is my first year at this role. The past two years I was a music A2, and I’d do the tracking, which is, you know, recording the show. Yeah. I’m–

SHE ROCKED IT: Sorry. What’d you say music, A2, who did you say? I want to make I’m clear. 

TENG CHEN: (14:14) Yeah, music A2. So for those who don’t know what music A2 is… Basically, those are the people on stage interacting with the band and musicians who come in. Who is basically the middle person between the musician and the mixer. So, if something goes wrong, if the mixer says, “Hey, I don’t get this channel,” it’s the music A2’s responsibility to troubleshoot. 


TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: Yeah, it’s a, it’s a very important role. But, anyway. 

SHE ROCKED IT: I can imagine. And so are you on set with them? 

TENG CHEN: (14:48) I was, yeah, for the first two years I was, I was working, working that job. I was on set with them. But the other woman that I work with. She’s only two years older than me. And from her, I learned that you can say no to men at work. You can tell them, “Hey, stop joking around. We’re working here,” as opposed to playing into their jokes and trying to be one of them. 

SHE ROCKED IT: I imagine that working at SNL is kind of hectic and I’m sure like, a crazy schedule. Do you thrive on that kind of energy? Tell us a little about what that life is like for you.

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (15:27) Yes, absolutely. Just being in the audio industry, in general, is a very fast-paced work environment. Even in the studio, once the musicians are in, the clock starts ticking— every minute is money, and you have to work fast. If you’re troubleshooting, you have to troubleshoot fast, move fast. Everything is fast and I definitely thrive in that environment. Growing up in China, you know, everything is 10 times faster even than New York.

So I’m kind of, I’m used to that speed. There’s definitely hectic things going on, but we always make it work. Uh, cause we’re all pros, uh, and we’ve done it for a while, but yeah, it’s, it’s very exciting. And at the end of the show you feel your adrenaline going. And it’s like 1:30 AM, you get home and you’re still kind of pumped. You’re like, “oh, let’s do stuff!” But it’s already 1:30 am on a Saturday it’s time for bed.

SHE ROCKED IT: That’s amazing. I love this, like behind-the-scenes kind of on SNL. I’m curious, how do you get from a symphony orchestra type of gig to doing this kind of work on SNL? I mean, that’s so cool. I mean it’s all, it’s all so cool, of course, but yeah, how does that happen?

TENG CHEN,female sound engineer: (16:45) After I graduated school, I’ve already done a lot of symphony gigs. For someone my level experience or age. And I— it’s not that I’m tired of it, I just, I feel like I want to do more. For those who know classical recording, it’s, it’s not, it’s– there’s some innovation, but not a lot. So I started doing more jazz recordings because it’s also, it’s also acoustic. It’s what I know, the sound of the instrument. You’re capturing that and you’re capturing what’s what’s happening at the moment. So I started doing that. And then jazz is what attracted me and led me to New York. Because this is, there’s a huge scene here.

SHE ROCKED IT: And when did you, when did you get to New York?

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (17:37)

I came to New York in the summer of 2017, and that was a year after I finished school. I actually moved with my office job as an acoustic consultant. There’s just so much going on in those few years. Uh, the office job I was working at, they opened an office in New York. Uh, so I moved, I asked to move here with the job. I did that job for a year, while I was socializing with musicians and engineers, going out. 

SHE ROCKED IT: Sure. Networking,

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer Trying to meet people, networking. Because when I moved to New York, I only know two people. And I know if I want to survive here, I have to branch out. And in that year I met the engineer who eventually introduced me to SNL when they have an opening. 

SHE ROCKED IT: Well done.

TENG CHEN: Well, thank you. I (18:32) was very lucky to, um, and,

SHE ROCKED IT: You’ve been with them for a couple of years now?

TENG CHEN:  I’ve been with them for three years now.

SHE ROCKED IT: Three years. And so this year, obviously with the pandemic, I should say last year, um, was it kind of like remote? Did you have to do things from a distance or—

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (18:49) No, I, I go in, uh, during show weeks, just, this year I switched to another job. So I don’t, I’m not in the studio all the time. I’m doing more work on my computer, but we’re still in the building. We’re still, you know, down the hall from, uh, from the studio.

SHE ROCKED IT: Amazing. And, um, I feel incredibly blessed that we get to work with you here at SHE ROCKED IT.

TENG CHEN:  I’m very happy to work with you! 


When we had our initial conversation, I was so struck by your belief in this vision of, SHE ROCKED IT. Of elevating and celebrating the voices of women. And I just felt so fortunate to meet you. As a pioneering female sound engineer to kind of feel your true belief in this has been so awesome. Also of course your expertise is unmatched. So, so thank you.

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (19:44)

I’m honestly so honored to work on this podcast. Because, you know, I try to amplify women’s voices in my industry. And, you know, I read books about people who talk about being a woman, uh, in their own fields. It’s so nice to work on a podcast, using my skills to help elevating women and amplifying women’s voices. This is just incredible. Thanks for having me. 

SHE ROCKED IT:  Of (20:15) course.It is so awesome to hear your voice. Because I think as I was mentioning before, I bet because you’re behind the scenes working your magic with the mix that you may not always have the opportunity to share your full story. I’m so grateful that you’re able to share your story now and— and tell us a little more about why you feel it’s so important for women to share their stories and why you believe in that vision so strongly?

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: (20:42) It came from my own experience of not having a mentor. No colleague to learn from, or, or to talk to. It’s important when women reach a certain level in their career or a certain point in their life. We should take on the role as mentors. For the young women who are still trying to figure out their places in this world. And I hope by talking about my experience, I can inspire some younger female sound engineers. Or, younger girls who are also working in the man’s world. To show that I had this problem and it’s fine that you have this problem too. And I am still dealing with it and that’s okay.

We’re all just trying to figure it out. Well, another thing is that women make up half of the population. Just think about how much better the future will be if women’s voices are elevated. And if women’s talents are being put into use. The female and male genders should not be in competition, we should be in collaboration to create a better future.

SHE ROCKED IT: (22:02) There’s been a lot of news about this past year and women leaving the workforce. They’re having a hard time, understandably, balancing the commitments of being at home with kids versus going to work. And I’m just curious, I know you’re not yet a mom except for Dragon, your cat, right?

TENG CHEN, female sound engineer: Yes, my little kitty, sleeping on the chair. 

SHE ROCKED IT: Because you’re in such a fast-paced world and it’s still a male-dominated world. This is kind of a personal question. Iff starting a family is something that you may be interested in? Or even just to take time off, frankly, whether or not you start a family. Do you feel as a woman that that would kind of jeopardize your career by stepping away? Like how, how are you thinking about that? I’m curious in the context of the struggles of women generally over this past year.

TENG CHEN: (22:55) Absolutely. I feel like if I step away right now, there won’t be a role waiting for me when I try to go back to work. Uh, and it’s just, it’s really sad. I talk with my male colleagues about it too. They have, you know, three, four kids at home. And, you know, I can’t have that. I can’t have three kids at home. Me and my partner, we’re both audio engineers. We don’t have a set schedule. It’s just, and— my, my family is in China, his family is in California, we don’t have help. It’s just, you know, certainly is not possible right now for us to have a family. And well, we’re not, we’re not really planning on it.

I mean, I’m not saying that I don’t want to have kids. But I feel like my passion has in my work, since I have memory. Since I have memory, I always wanted to be a musician. I always wanted to work in the music field. And I feel like I’m finally where I am. I don’t want to give that up to have a family. So yeah, it’s, it’s definitely a challenge. And I don’t know what we’re going to do when we do want a kid. But hopefully, we will be more established by then. And we’ll be able to say no to some things. To have more time for family, to take some time off. We don’t have to say yes to everything anymore.

SHE ROCKED IT: Hopefully, by having these kinds of conversations. And with all of the attention on the struggles of women. I hope for you, for other women, that there will be larger societal change. And more infrastructure to support women and men, mothers, and fathers. 

TENG CHEN: Right! My family’s (24:40) not thrilled about this, but, you know, they don’t understand. They’re, it’s a different country. When I was growing up, my grandma closed her business to raise me. And I don’t, I don’t have that right now. So yeah, it’s a challenge.

SHE ROCKED IT: Yes. And speaking of challenges, not to go down a rabbit hole of challenges. But to raise an important issue. You’re in New York and, we’re an Asian American AAPI Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month this month. We’re recording this in May, 2021. 


SHE ROCKED IT: Yay is right! And I just, first of all, wanted to hear from you how your background as a Chinese woman maybe influences your life now? And if you may want to speak to, I know this is obviously a painful topic, the really unfortunate rise of anti-Asian violence in New York and other places. It’s just terrible. Have you been fearful at all in, in the city?

TENG CHEN: (25:47) I, yes. I started driving everywhere at the beginning of the pandemic, just for, you know, safety concerns. And now I am fully vaccinated, I don’t have to drive anymore, but I still do. Cause I don’t want to get attacked on the subway. You know, like when I’m walking alone, um, outside in the dark, I have, I have to clench myself, you know, I, I clenched my fingers to a key just, you know, so that I can protect myself. And I did a lot of kickboxing back then, and you know, I, I used to treat it as a sort of workout, but now I feel like it should be a self-defense, like I have to make myself stronger physically to actually deal with those situations so that I can stay alive, which is really sad.

SHE ROCKED IT: It’s very sad. And you know, when I lived New York, I always felt the diversity of New York was it’s one of its biggest assets.


SHE ROCKED IT: You know, you’re with people from all around the world who are pursuing their dreams. And, uh, I’m sorry that now there’s this pain of, of the fear around identity, you know? 

TENG CHEN: (26:59) Yeah. It, it really is. And my family, you know, every time I talk to them, my mom is like, “Teng, maybe you should consider dyeing your hair, you know, to blonde or something. So they don’t, you know, when you wear a mask, they don’t think you are Asian”. And I was like, “No! It shouldn’t, this shouldn’t be my problem. I am proud of being Asian. I’m proud of being who I am. They need to figure out how to deal with it.” But you know, it’s, again, it’s a work in progress. We’re all trying.

SHE ROCKED IT: Your strength of character, your courage, your— just eloquence, is so incredibly inspiring. I’m so grateful to have met you and to get to talk to you. 

TENG CHEN: Thank you!

SHE ROCKED IT: And I so appreciate, yeah, you sharing your thoughts on your journey and, um, to go back to this amazing trajectory, this amazing path that you continue to walk as a female audio engineer, and then you’re also active in like unions and you’re, you know, organizations, um, in the industry. Where do you kind of see yourself walking? I don’t know, as you, uh, proceed in your career this year and beyond self? 

TENG CHEN: (28:12) That’s a good question. Uh, you know, I do this little silly thing where I write down my goals in a little notebook. Uh, I have a one-year goal, I have a three-year goal, a five-year goal, and a 10-year goal. And I divide them into, you know, career, family, and fun.

SHE ROCKED IT: I love that!

TENG CHEN: Yeah, I mean, it’s really helpful (28:34). Because I get lost sometimes, you know, I think,” oh, I’ve made it, I work at SNL,” but wait, there’s so much more that I can do. I want to perfect my craft, I want to be a better audio engineer, I want to be someone that people want to work with and someone that people, you know, like, “I want to work with Teng on this project.” I want to be that person eventually one day.

SHE ROCKED IT: I wouldn’t be surprised if you, uh, just check all your goals off, considering what you’ve done already. I mean, do you find like putting them down on paper really helps you to like, realize those, and manifest those visions?

TENG CHEN: Yeah, it really does! 

SHE ROCKED IT: Uh, if you could leave women, let’s say with one tip so that we can ROCK IT in our careers and our callings like you have. You’ve rocked your goals, you continue to rock your, your life as an audio engineer and raise your voice in important ways. Give us ONE TIP TO ROCK IT that we can take with us.

TENG CHEN: (29:32Uh, I always tell myself, uh, “always do what you’re reluctant to do. Always do what you don’t want to do.” Cause it’s, it’s easy to just, you know, not ask this difficult question, um, you know, stay away from this problem, but it’s oftentimes it’s when you actually face those problems and when you ask those questions, that’s when you grow and that’s when you open doors. So yeah. Always do what you don’t want to do. Yeah.

SHE ROCKED IT: That’s interesting. Sometimes that resistance, yeah. That resistance signals something that you really need to do.

TENG CHEN: Yes. Yeah. I feel like that helped me a lot, but you know, it could be,  depends on the people. I’m, I’m the kind of person who goes for it. And if you’re, if you say, “no,” that’s fine. I’ll go the other way. My, my mom always said I was raised with a thick skin. I can take on anything.

SHE ROCKED IT: (30:32) I believe her! And I am so grateful that we crossed paths, um, along your exceptional journey. And I’m so grateful that we got to get a deeper window into who you are and what makes you tick. So thank you so much. And I know you’re going to continue to inspire us, and you’re going to continue to inspire the next generation of female audio engineers. So you definitely ROCK IT. Thank you. 

TENG CHEN: Thanks for having me. 

SHE ROCKED IT: Wow. I am blown away by that conversation and by your journey. Thank you so much Teng. And if people want to continue to learn about you and follow your journey, where can they do that?

TENG CHEN: (31:07) You can go on my website, uh, That’s T E N G C H E N. or follow me on Instagram. I post pictures of studio setups, little behind-the-scenes of what we do in the studios, little microphone pictures, or just, you know, the stuff that I believe in, but yeah, and get in touch with me.

SHE ROCKED IT: (31:30) Fantastic. And again, we’re so grateful to have you as part of the, SHE ROCKED IT, family. And if you want to learn more about SHE ROCKED IT, yes, thank you! Feel free to visit our website, which is, and don’t forget to sign up for our email list so you can be the first to know about our upcoming podcast episodes and some awesome programs that we’re going to be rolling out very soon. We hope to see you as part of our ROCKSTAR NETWORK. Thanks again, Teng. 

TENG CHEN: Thank you. 

SHE ROCKED IT: Thanks so much for tuning into the SHE ROCKED IT Podcast. I’m your host, Karen Gross. This episode has been produced by Tori Marchiony and Jake Segelbaum with audio engineering by Teng Chen. The SHE ROCKED IT theme song is by Karen Gross and Tim Motzer. I invite you to join us on Instagram @sherockedit and join our ROCKSTAR NETWORK at We hope you’ll add your voice to the conversation because at SHE ROCKED IT, we are dedicated to raising the volume on women’s voices.


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